Welcome to the homepage of the Dutch Hornby Railway Collectors Association (Dutch HRCA). This site is dedicated to the club, vintage Hornby O-gauge Trains, Hornby Dublo and vintage Model Railways in general.
The Hornby Railway Collectors' Association (HRCA) is a non-profit making organisation devoted to the collecting and operating of Hornby O-gauge and Hornby Dublo. The HRCA was founded in 1969 and has about 2.500 members worldwide. As in the great days of Meccano Liverpool, the HRCA has some overseas sections, of which the Dutch HRCA is one.

Recent updates
Meeting reports

The meeting reports page contains reports (and pictures) of past meetings. These meetings may be centred around a relevant special event or a visit to one of our members' homes.
Price guide

If you want to know what your vintage O-gauge locomotive is worth these days? The Price guide to Hornby O-gauge locomotives is generated from a database containing thousands of prices from auction results, eBay sales, dealer lists and prices asked at sales shows.
Latest news
Relevant links

The latest news lists trainshows, collectors fairs, events of the (Dutch) HRCA, TCS and includes a direct link to the on-line catalogues of the major auctions selling Hornby Trains and/or Dublo.
The site has a list of relevant links of Hornby interest, divided into various categories for your convenience. These not only include sites about Hornby O-gauge, but also those about Hornby Dublo and HRCA-related organisations.
Internet-based discussion group
The internet-based discussion group Classic O-gauge model- and toytrains is for anyone interested in vintage trains. Join the group (it's free!) and get in touch with enthusiasts worldwide.
Vintage Model Railways
Although this site is dedicated to Hornby products and the Dutch HRCA, most of its members have a wider-ranging interest in vintage Model Railways and are TCS-members too. Have a look at the Leeds Model Company pages, the Biller Bahn page, or a vintage train display we had at the Haarlem Station Festival.
Dutch HRCA
This site is maintained by Peter Zwakhals, the Club Secretary, and Hans van Dissel.
The Dutch HRCA section contains a short history of the Dutch HRCA, where the club and its goals are introduced. Also included are pictures of the members personal collections.