Leeds Model Company: Coaches

1921-1929: 1st series Scale Models, wooden bodies with lithographed sides.

CO/106: N.E.R. 1st-3d Composite Coach, running No. 840, 1921-29.

Solebar lithos only appeared on early production models.

Leeds litho NER Composite Coach

CO/107: N.E.R. Full Brake Van, running No. 106, 1921-29.

Leeds litho NER Full Brake Coach

CO/120: L. & N.W.R. 1st-3d Composite Coach, running No. 2307, 1921-29.

Leeds litho LNWR Composite Coach

CO/121: L. & N.W.R. Full Brake Van, running No. 5410, 1921-26/27.

Leeds litho LNWR Full Brake Coach

CO/136: M.R. 1st-3rd Composite Coach, running No. 578, 1921-26/27.

Leeds litho MR Composite Coach

CO/137: M.R. Full Brake Van, running No. 159, 1921-26/27.

Leeds litho MR Full Brake Van

CO/136: L.M.S. 1st-3rd Composite Coach, running No. 578, 1929.

The litho was originally a Midland version, but overprinted with LMS. With this coach, in the past one owner has scratched away the new panelling, partly revealing the Midland text.

Leeds litho LMS Composite Coach

CO/135: L.M.S. 3rd Brake Composite, running No. 358, 1929.

Leeds litho LMS Brake Composite

Stronlite Tin printed Passenger set

Copies of Leeds Model Company locomotives and rolling stock date from the 1930's when the Japanese Company Seki (or Sakai), supplied the UK market with a range of products under the name 'Stronlite'. Amongst these were a set of printed tinplate copies of the LMS coaches shown above. The locomotive in this Stronlite passenger train set is a copy of a Milbro 4-4-2 Tank locomotive (Pete Gasowski Photo).

1927-1939: 2nd series Scale Models, wooden bodies with lithographed sides.

Leeds litho LNER Corridor Coach

CO/106: L.N.E.R. Corridor Coach, running No. 2253, 1929-38/39.

This coach and the coach below are late versions with the super detail 'Newalloy' bogies (catalogue code CO/17).

Leeds litho LNER Corridor Brake Composite

CO/107: L.N.E.R. Corridor Brake Composite, running No. 3627, 1929-38/39.

Leeds litho LNER Suburban Coach

CO/108: L.N.E.R. Suburban Coach, running No. 38295, 1929-38/39.

Leeds litho LNER Suburban Brake Composite

CO/109: L.N.E.R. Suburban Brake Composite, running No. 38364, 1929-38/39.

Stronlite tinprinted copy of the L.N.E.R. Suburban Brake Composite, running No. 3827 (Hans van Dissel Collection).

Stronlite Tin printed LNER Suburban Brake Composite

Leeds litho LMS Saloon Coach

CO/134: L.M.S. Saloon Coach, running No. 18572, 1929-38/39.

This coach and the coach below are late versions with the super detail 'Newalloy' bogies (catalogue code CO/17).

Leeds litho LMS Saloon Brake Composite

CO/135: L.M.S. Saloon Brake Composite, running No. 18503, 1929-38/39.

CO/138: G.W.R. Corridor Coach, running No. 3275, 1927-32.

Great Western panelled lithos were amongst the first produced post-grouping liveries. These had a short life, because of loss of the lithos in the 1932 fire at the Jack Lane factory. They were replaced by the button type lithos shown below.

Leeds litho GWR Corridor Coach

CO/138: G.W.R. Corridor Coach, running No. 3275, 1935-38/39.

Leeds litho GWR Corridor Coach

CO/139: G.W.R. Corridor Brake, running No. 6927, 1927-32.

Leeds litho GWR Corridor Brake

CO/139: G.W.R. Corridor Brake, running No. 6927, 1935-38/39.

Leeds litho GWR Corridor Brake

CO/140: G.W.R. Suburban Coach, running No. 3275, 1927-32 (Barend Westerveld collection).

Leeds litho GWR Suburban Coach

CO/140: G.W.R. Suburban Coach, running No. 3275, 1935-38/39.

Leeds litho GWR Suburban Coach

CO/141: G.W.R. Suburban Brake Composite, running No. 6927, 1935-38/39.

Leeds litho GWR Suburban Coach

Leeds litho SR Corridor Coach

CO/149: S.R. Corridor Coach, running No. 4526, 1927-36.

Leeds litho SR Corridor Brake Composite

CO/143: S.R. Corridor Brake Composite, running No. 2127, 1927-36.

Leeds litho SR Suburban Coach

CO/144: S.R. Suburban Coach, running No. 4526, 1927-36.

Leeds litho SR Suburban Brake Composite

CO/145: S.R. Suburban Brake Composite, running No. 2127, 1927-36.

Leeds litho LNER Triple Articulated Train

CO/152: L.N.E.R. Triple Coach Articulated Train, running No. 6021N, 6022N and 6023N, 1925-32.

CO/150: L.N.E.R. Twin Coach Articulated Train, running No. 6021N and 6023N, 1925-32 (Hans van Dissel Collection).

This is an early model with solebar lithos and hook-type couplings.

Leeds litho LNER Twin Articulated Train

CO/156: Pullman Car "HAZEL", 1st class, 1932-38/39.

Leeds litho Pullman Car Hazel

1948-1949: Rigid Litho Scale Models.

CO/200: L.M.S. Suburban Coach, running No. 3395, Rigid Litho rolling stock 1948-49.

The basis of these coaches was an one piece litho printed card, which formed the body sides and the roof. The card was folded to form the coach profile and fitted between die cast ends on a timber floor.

Leeds rigid litho LMS Suburban Coach

1937-1959: Bakelite True Scale Models.

CM/50: L.M.S. 1st-3rd Class Vestibule Carriage, running No. 9060, True Scale Bakelite Coach 1937-38/39.

The pre-war versions were made in self-coloured bakelite. After the war all coach bodies were black and the livery was painted on.

Leeds bakelite LMS Vestibule Carriage

CM/51: L.M.S. 3rd Class Vestibule Brake Composite, running No. 6140, True Scale Bakelite Coach 1937-38/39.

Leeds bakelite LMS Vestibule Brake Composite

CM/52: L.N.E.R. 3rd Class Vestibule Carriage, running No. 7203, True Scale Bakelite Coach 1937-38/39.

The simulated teak finish, produced by mixing Bakelite powders of different colours, made each coach unique in appearance. These coaches could not be offered after 1940. Painting black mouldings to achieve an effective "teak" finish was deemed impossible.

Leeds bakelite LNER Vestibule Carriage

CM/53: L.N.E.R. 3rd Class Vestibule Brake Composite, running No. 4494, True Scale Bakelite Coach 1937-38/39.


Leeds bakelite LNER Vestibule Brake Composite

CM/52: B.R. Saloon Coach, running No. E18082, True Scale Bakelite Coach 1951-59.

These coaches were always supplied minus the window frets. Mouldings in which all the frets had not fully moulded would have all the remaining frets broken out and diverted for use as BR or SR coaches.

Leeds bakelite BR Saloon Coach

CM/53: B.R. Saloon Brake, running No. E16520, True Scale Bakelite Coach 1951-59.

Leeds bakelite BR Saloon Brake

Leeds bakelite GWR Saloon Coach

CM/54: G.W.R. Saloon Coach, running No. 4585, True Scale Bakelite Coach 1948-59.

Towards the end of the company life almost anything was done with the livery of the coaches, including despatch of any coach livery without window frets. Nominally and correctly the GWR roof colour was white. The later models were sent out with black roofs.

Leeds bakelite GWR Saloon Brake

CM/55: G.W.R. Saloon Brake, running No. 3438, True Scale Bakelite Coach 1948-59.

Leeds bakelite SR Saloon Coach

CM/56: S.R. 3rd Class Saloon Coach, running No. 1508, True Scale Bakelite Coach 1948-59.

Leeds bakelite SR Brake Composite Coach

CM/57: S.R. 3rd Class Brake Composite Coach, running No. 1652, True Scale Bakelite Coach 1948-59.