Dutch HRCA: Picture book Niek van Ees

Like many amongst us, I dream about a house with a loft to build a permanent layout. For the time being I play trains the boys' way: on the floor. The only difference with my childhood is that I am now able to build layouts and run trains I could only dream about in those days.

My main collection is L.N.E.R. Hornby O-gauge, but some B.R. items and modern vintage railway items from ACE Trains and Darstead are added to the collection. Recently I started to appreciate Bassett-Lowke too, and have added some locomotives and rolling stock to the collection.

At the start of the Covid pandemic and lockdown I built up a floor layout and ran my trains for a few weeks. I made a series of short videos, which were shared in the HRCA Facebook group and other groups. The short videos have been combined in a four-part video report which you can view using the links directly below.

Niek van Ees floor running layout

Niek van Ees floor running layout

Niek van Ees floor running layout

A closer look at the engine depot with Hornby and Bassett-Lowke locomotives.

Niek van Ees floor running layout

Niek van Ees floor running layout

Hornby Brakedown Train made up with stock from the early years.

Early vintage Hornby trains

I take pride to build a layout which gives plenty of opportunities to shunt, change and alter trains during running days.

Vintage Hornby trains layout

Right and below you can see some of the interesting point work on the layout.

Vintage Hornby trains layout

Vintage Hornby Layout

Vintage Hornby Layout

Niek van Ees floor running layout

Dinky Toys on Hornby Layout

Dinky Toys on Hornby Layout

Collecting Hornby trains is a good alibi for collecting Dinky Toys and figures as well.

Dinky Toys on Hornby Layout

Dinky Toys on Hornby Layout

Vintage Hornby layout on the floor

A picture of a layout made many, many years ago.

Biller Bahn

Next to my Hornby O-gauge, I have a modest collection of Biller Bahn. These charming little trains (O scale but narrow gauge) where made in Western Germany just after the war until the sixties, and famous for their superb clockwork mechanism. Some also run on battery.

Dutch HRCA 2019 AGM